Cab Sim/Specific Recording Question

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Cab Sim/Specific Recording Question

Post by glennleaguesny » Thu Nov 17, 2022 9:13 am

Hey guys! I'm writing here for help with a question and recommendations.

My home recording setup is currently in an apartment. I use a Kemper right into my Scarlett 18i20. This gives me a ton of different amp options and seems to handle pedals well. Most of my actual tone is done with pedals, I run most of my pedals direct into the Kemper and then have a handful of stereo effects in the stereo effects loop of the Kemper. I've been recording this way for a few years and really enjoy the tones I'm getting. Even while not recording, I typically plug my headphones into the headphone input on the Kemper for practicing/messing around.

I currently caught the bug to have an actual amp around. I've only ever owned one amp, a Fender Twin, which I still have. It's really too loud for apartment use, so I just keep it around for whenever I meet up with people to jam. It typically just sits in my studio unused. I do like the option of having a nice, clean, loud amp to act as a pedal platform when jamming in person.

I ended up putting a down payment on an amp head called a Micro T. It's typically made by a company called Hex, although the builder is making me one direct. It's essentially a tubed 5W model T clone. I plan on getting a little cab for this to play in my apartment but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to utilize this for recording. I don't have the space to mic a cab. However, there are line outs on the amp, should I go directly out of the amp head into my interface and run a cab sim? Are there any outboard gears you recommend? I did see the UA Ox Box which looks interesting to me, but I have no hands on experience with that. Or another cab sim style pedal you recommend? Any ideas would be helpful since I haven't really been involved in the amp/cab sim world in years (since buying the Kemper).

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Re: Cab Sim/Specific Recording Question

Post by jorri » Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:30 am

I run line out into an AMT CAB. It doesn't have a DI box function but my interface does
I tried the digital forms of simulators and wasn't that impressed. I mean this is just a fine-tuned analog eq, not an impulse modeller, and it may lose points for accuracy but sounds better/more useful in mix. if any more is needed a saturation or room reverb does well.

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Re: Cab Sim/Specific Recording Question

Post by marqueemoon » Tue Nov 29, 2022 7:27 am

The biggest question I have is is the head safe to run without a load connected.

That’s going to determine whether you need an attenuator/reactive load or only cab emulation.

That said, if the head needs to see a load then any ol’ dummy load will do if you’re going to use the line out. However, if the line out is only taking the premp section then you’ll be missing the toanz of the power tubes.

In your situation I would probably get a Two Notes Torpedo Captor. They are pretty affordable, can be run completely silent or used to attenuate, and you can send a speaker emulated or non-speaker emulated line out to your DAW. Depending on the amp and your living situation 5W can still be really loud for home playing.

The OX is super cool, but you can also do speaker/room IRs in the box.

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Re: Cab Sim/Specific Recording Question

Post by Powdered Toast Man » Mon Dec 19, 2022 3:20 pm

You absolutely need to have a load on the amp output otherwise you risk damaging the output transformer. So if that's a dummy load or a load box you'll need something there. You can't just unplug the speaker and use the line out.

As for the UA Ox. I bought one a couple months ago. I'm not a "digital emulation" guy and I know the term "game changer" gets thrown around a lot but this thing was a game changer. I'm actually recording with my amps. It's a reactive load box so I can turn the attenuation knob down to zero and it completely silences the speaker. The headphone out sounds great. The recordings I've made sound like the amp in a room to me. The app is easy to use. I was up and running with it in minutes. I can swap out an amp or set it up without any fuss and be recording inside of 5 minutes.

All the guitars and the bass were recorded via my Ox on this clip: ... al_sharing

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Re: Cab Sim/Specific Recording Question

Post by Marc » Mon Jan 16, 2023 12:10 am

I have an Ironman II power attenuator which has a parallel line out. You can record using that and then add the cab sim afterward in the DAW. They are a lot cheaper than the OX albeit not the same.

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