The Nordic psych/folk/forest rune tape echo band thread

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The Nordic psych/folk/forest rune tape echo band thread

Post by nanamour » Thu May 19, 2016 8:41 am

mijmog and I started a conversation about Klemt Echolette tape echoes, Dungen, and Swedish psych bands over in Are Strats cool now? that risked a critical mass thread derail and at least one other person expressed interest, so let's move the discussion over here!

mijmog started us off:
mijmog wrote:To get back on topic of Strats via the subject of Mr Fiske and tape echoes, its interesting to hear this great footage of the great Kenny Håkansson, one of Reine's heroes, also using a Klemt and a Strat and a Marshall, playing in Mecki Mark Men (he may be using the Echolette in this footage but I can't tell, the sound is similar):

Picture of Kenny using a Strat and Klemt setup in Kebnekajse:

I'll move us along by ministering the Holy Gospel of Swedish psychedelia high priests Dungen.

Dungen's marriage of fuzz-drenched psych rock, Swedish folk, and jazz has for me always sounded mysterious and otherworldy, like it's been lurking covered in moss in a boreal forest for centuries (Dungen after all is Svenska for 'cluster of trees') waiting to be dug up. Maybe it's the language barrier, or Reine Fiske's runic spacescape guitar, but Dungen have to me always sounded detached from any musical chronology and I've never thought of them as a psych rock glory day reenactment troupe like how some bands come off. Mijmog and I seem to share a mutual fanboyism for Dungen guitarist Reine Fiske who IMO is one of the great guitarists of our time--the way he weaves his way from atmospheric restraint through fuzzy feedback freakouts is the stuff of pagan magic and the way he's hardwired his tools (incl. a beat to pulp 60s parts strat, vintage Ge Fuzz Face, octavia, Klemt Echolette into a JTM45) into his playing is incredible--the "Swedish Hendrix" comparisons are lazy and don't do justice.

Dungen-Det du tänker idag är du i morgon



Dungen-Öga Näsa Mun

I thought their most recent Allas Sak was a great and it's different (a lot less reliant on Mr. Fiske's guitar) but it's a treat seeing their psych galleon drifting into the waters of dulcimer, mellotron, sax, vibrophone, and harp, with some tighter production to boot. As one reviewer put it, they've wrapped Reine and drummer Johan Holmegard's fists in velvet and given frontman/multi-instrumentalist Gustav Ejstes a bit more breathing room.

Dungen-Akt Dit

Dungen-Franks Kaktus

When I first heard Dungen I was instantly consumed and I gave the bloodhounds a whiff of Ta det Lugnt and set them on an obsessive manhunt for influences, similar contemporaries, anything that might touch the same pressure points (the same thing that happened when I first found Broadcast). A lot of what I've heard is a bit progy (or Progg-y, the Swedish term for a the broader musical and political movement this kind of stuff fell under) for my tastes but there are some real jewels of Scandinavian psych/folk out there:

Träd, Gräs och Stenar--Vår vila: Hyperpolitical freeform trance psych gem :w00t: These guys are hippie to 11 on the dial: advocating collectivized farming, homemade guitars, you name it, but some really good stuff here. Anthology Recordings recently put out some really lovingly assembled reissues and a nice little promo clip" onclick=";return false; Enormous influence on Reine Fiske (who is now a member!)

Träd, Gräs och Stenar--Rocktrall


Resan--Solens Vän: The guitar reminds me a bit of Holydrug Couple's woozy yacht psychedelia. This album checks all the boxes you could want for this kid of thing, skipping all over the place from flute singalongs to somber string arrangements.

And a couple slightly more recent releases in a folkier vein from the excellent Subliminal Sounds label, which puts out a lot of this kind of stuff:

AnnaMy--Woodpecker: featuring Matthias Gustavsson of Dungen on bass
AnnaMy--Balladen om kråkguldet :-* :-* Birds in song titles, check! Good video too.

Lisa O Piu--Equitorial Changes
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Re: The Nordic psych/folk/forest rune tape echo band thread

Post by mynameisjonas » Thu May 19, 2016 10:17 am

Fans of Fiske and Holmegard should also check out Svenska Kaputt (featuring the great Jonas Kullhammar), which is more of a jazz group, but still has a lot of that progg/psych vibe.

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Re: The Nordic psych/folk/forest rune tape echo band thread

Post by nanamour » Thu May 19, 2016 2:49 pm

mynameisjonas wrote:Fans of Fiske and Holmegard should also check out Svenska Kaputt (featuring the great Jonas Kullhammar), which is more of a jazz group, but still has a lot of that progg/psych vibe.
Thanks for the tip Jonas. I remember reading that Reine and Johan played together in a jazz group but I never looked further into it. Almost hear some Terje Rypdal gone jazz in there (Bass VI content for those interested ;) )

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Re: The Nordic psych/folk/forest rune tape echo band thread

Post by mijmog » Thu May 19, 2016 3:42 pm

^^^ Svenska Kaputt are great, the first record is a firm favourite of mine. Some stunning bass playing on that record, a real lesson in restraint from all the musicians. There’s no youtube clips of them at all though! Crazy. I met Jonas recently and thanked him from the bottom of my heart for his wonderful playing.

Nanamour has nailed on some great picks, you have great taste! Trad Gras och Stenar forever! That Terje Rypdal footage is great isn't it? Lovely Bass VI.

I’m going to avoid just listing Dungen tracks as it could take over, so…here's a selection of my favourite Scandinavian jazz/pysch/prog/Progg/rock tracks:

Jan Johansson “Visa från Uranmyra” - possibly the most understated and beautiful albums of all time. A fascinating blend of jazz, blues and ancient Scandinavian folk melodies.

Baby Grandmothers “Being is More than Life” - the king of all Swedish fuzz guitar tracks. Where it all began for my Kenny Hakkansson obsession (later of Mecki Mark Men, Kebnakaise)

Mecki Mark Men “Running in the Summerlight” - full album, can’t find the individual track I want. One of my favourite albums with an all time favourite track “Future on the Road”, check out the full-on spring reverb crash Krautrock outro.

Arbete Och Fritid “Petrokemi (det kan man into bada i)” - blown out Progg. Amazing tune to drive to.

Tasavallan Presidentti “Struggling For Freedom” - just a beautiful track with the great Jukka Tolonen on guitar.

Tasavallan Presidentti “Introduction - You’ll be back for more” - opening track of this album. The groove it settles into should be rife for sampling. Ridiculous.

Bo Hansson “Leaving Shire” - Bo’s guitar playing on this is really underrated, the whole record is superb. I love working to this one, I get loads done, it really focuses the mind. On the right side of Prog (not quite Progg!)

Fläsket Brinner “Bosses Låt” - superb instrumental, there’s a great version that features on the “Fest på Gärdet“ live album from 1970

Charlies “Kinda Hurtin’” - rare YLE footage of this psych club-banger with added sax. From the album titled "Buttocks"

Kebnakaise “Kommunisera” - some wonderful rhythm section interplay on this, and more Kenny Hakkansson guitar:

Terje Rypdal "Keep it Like That - Tight" - my favourite Terje Rypdal tune.

Charlie & Esdor "Fuck the Cops" - proper protest freak-out Progg

Horisont “Visa Vagen” - if you’re going to do this, do it like this! Nice surprise in the outro, some lovely playing.

ST Mikael “Mother is Calling” - I really can’t handle the vocals, but I do have a soft spot for this stuff. Reine on bass too.

Goran Kajfes Subtropic Arkestra "Adimiz Miskindir Bizim" - the original is great but this cover takes it on further. Beautiful. Perfectly highlights the influence of Turkish music on a lot of European and Scandinavian music.

Goran Kajfes Subtropic Arkestra "Dokuz SekiEsmerim" - has to be a precursor to "Franks Kaktus" on Allas Sak. Another crazy Reine solo.

Trad Gras Och Stenar “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction” - Way ahead of its time. The groove they settle into at 7:30, just sublime.

International Harvester “Sommarlaten” - wonderfully woozy kommune Progg.

Algarnas Tradgard “Saturnus Ringar” - full on cerebral prog. The album veers off into sound collage and field recording territory at times which is a welcome break from all the fuzz guitar stuff.

The Amazing “Fryshusfunk” - all their albums are superb. This one of their last record is a real highlight. More Reine freak-out guitar on the outro.

The Amazing “The Fog” - a beautiful recording, those drums!

…and a bit of my personal Dungen recorded Reine-face-melting highlights:

Dungen “Samtidigt”(Full Version) - the full instrumental from Dungen 4. Fooking mind-bending guitar playing.

Dungen “Mon Amour” - more face-melting Mecki music. The outro when it drops to the Rhodes at 5.30: heaven

Dungen “Sol Och Regn” - early Dungen track with one of the first (I think) contributions from Reine. Beautiful track.

Dungen “Du E för Fin för Mig” - now I personally think that the outro guitar solo is one of the heaviest pieces of guitar committed to record in the past 20 years. Our drummer played this track as he signed the marriage certificate at his wedding ceremony, and he purposefully left the outro playing, of course we were all head banging and the families were just like…what the heck are you doing, turn it off! It was such a great moment.

With regard to Reine, and forgive me as I've written a similar post on here in the past and realise I come across like a real sycophant (bear with us - his playing just means a lot to me!), but I've been lucky enough to meet him on a few occasions and lent him my amp recently when they came to the UK. I’ve never been entirely happy with my Super Reverb, and of course he made it sound like Thor's Hammer. I'll never sell it now. He’s a veritable mine of information, and a very humble and insightful chap. I can't express how much his playing has shaped the way I view the guitar, it saved me from a real rutt back in 2006, and led to the formation of my current band in a round-a-bout sort of way. What the studio recordings don't always capture (they do, but not the 3D-ness of hearing it blasting into your face) is the pure intense energy he has, he could destroy the guitar at any minute. His struggle and fight to get his sound perfected is part of his playing, its all about the struggle. I love the fact he’s only ever had one guitar, people keep telling him to get a spare, but that thing is basically part of him. Whats even more crazy is that some of the early stuff, notably Ta Det Lungt, was recorded in Gustav’s living room, with all the guitars going through a POD into a Korg digital workstation. Just shows you don’t need all the gear…

If there's one live clip of Dungen that gets it across, its this rough camera phone footage from Boston. As with nearly all bands, the usual official pro-filmed festival footage never capture a band at their best, and some real gems are to be found from intimate club gigs and late night drunken freakouts. Its proper "Mecki" music, his guitar is on the edge of falling apart, it cuts out a few times, but the groove is maniacal, and its so exciting and edgey, its Hendrix and Karoli and forests and fjords all rolled into one huge heap of stream of pure consciousness, so inventive. I love when it he turns into the amp and just plays his heart out. Check out the feedback he gets at exactly 4.40 minutes in:

...and if you were in any doubt that he's the Hendrix risen again and raised by wolves next to a fjord, check out this footage from around 19 minutes in, from what was obviously a very difficult gig for them, so at this point they are just letting go, obviously having monitor trouble at one of those "urban" pop-up stages, but the ending, just listen to that guitar sound! Fucking hell. The whole thing is shaking. You can hear the tremolo springs groaning and creaking at around 20:30 minutes, just like you can on footage of Jimi when he's freaking out at full volume. No one comes close.

...and he can do the light with the heavy too, stunning solo at 2:50 on "Akt Dit" on the latest KEXP session here:

I could go on and list all the top live footage from youtube, there's some insane stuff on there...sometimes when the wife is out, I'll treat myself to some fancy artisan beer and just binge on live footage on youtube through my TV, ahhh bliss...

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Re: The Nordic psych/folk/forest rune tape echo band thread

Post by nanamour » Thu May 19, 2016 6:48 pm

Well done! So many favorites of mine in that list and a couple that are new to me. I hereby crown you Progg psych prince of this thread!
mijmog wrote:Jan Johansson “Visa från Uranmyra” - possibly the most understated and beautiful albums of all time. A fascinating blend of jazz, blues and ancient Scandinavian folk melodies.
Love this record, haunting daydream beauty. I think you can hear ghostly echoes of Johansson in some of Gustav's playing with Dungen. Prime gaze-out-the-window-pretending-to-work music.
mijmog wrote:Baby Grandmothers “Being is More than Life” - the king of all Swedish fuzz guitar tracks. Where it all began for my Kenny Hakkansson obsession (later of Mecki Mark Men, Kebnakaise)
Here! Here! The way everything ominously teeters on the edge of descending into utter squealy chaos but is forced together into singing fuzzy feedback near the end of this one is IMO one of the superhuman abilities that make Hakansson and Fiske so great.

Totally get the allusion to Turkish music comment, prog and psych owe a lot to that world.

A few more picks:

Hansson och Karlsson - Triplets: Normally I'd tell you I would rather have shattered glass sandblasted into my ears than endure extended Hammond organ explorations, but Bo Hansson's meandering Progg organ interplaying with Janne Carlsson's jazz school drumming is mesmerizing. Some great live footage:" onclick=";return false;

Pugh Rogefeldt - Här Kommer Natten: Splattery self-destruct mode fuzzbox, meet Pugh's straightforward folky pop

Kvartetten som sprängde - Gånglåt från Valhallavägen: lost instrumental Progg masterpiece; Taiga moss dampened guitar tries to escape a swirling vortex of C3 organ, loses.

Pärson Sound - Tio minuter: delerious dystopian acid party freakout speaker rippa

International Harvester - I Mourn You/ It's Only Love: template-setting kommune chug from the set piece death to Western culture!! Progg album.

AnnaMy - Care: another plug for the lovely AnnaMy's gentle folk psych. Green pastures may await for fans of the likes of Pentangle, Mellow Candle, Fairport Convention, et al. Reine Fiske provides auroric guitar and Matthias Gustavsson of Dungen handles bass.
mijmog wrote: ...and if you were in any doubt that he's the Hendrix risen again and raised by wolves next to a fjord, check out this footage from around 19 minutes in, from what was obviously a very difficult gig for them, so at this point they are just letting go, obviously having monitor trouble at one of those "urban" pop-up stages, but the ending, just listen to that guitar sound! Fucking hell. The whole thing is shaking. You can hear the tremolo springs groaning and creaking at around 20:30 minutes, just like you can on footage of Jimi when he's freaking out at full volume. No one comes close.

...and he can do the light with the heavy too, stunning solo at 2:50 on "Akt Dit" on the latest KEXP session here:

I could go on and list all the top live footage from youtube, there's some insane stuff on there...sometimes when the wife is out, I'll treat myself to some fancy artisan beer and just binge on live footage on youtube through my TV, ahhh bliss...
I was just sharing both of these with my girlfriend the other week, I've probably watched that Trädgården performance 10+ times and the magic is never diminished.
One of my favorite clips of Reine at his more restrained, descending and ascending back and forth from magnetosphere to treetop level:" onclick=";return false;

Speaking of Dungen live, I had the immense fortune a few months ago of getting to see the band play their score to the early silent animated film The Adventures of Prince Achmed in a small grainhouse-turned-ampitheater on the edge of the West Texas desert to a crowd of probably 40. The intimacy and nature all around made the whole thing take on a totally surreal and fairytale of the loveliest performances I've seen, so blissful. It would be great if Criterion or its ilk would release the film with Dungen's score on DVD or proper quality digital--they hit the score out of the park injecting perfect rations of suspense, excitement, intrigue, even humor.

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Re: The Nordic psych/folk/forest rune tape echo band thread

Post by nanamour » Thu May 19, 2016 7:04 pm

mijmog wrote:Dungen “Du E för Fin för Mig” - now I personally think that the outro guitar solo is one of the heaviest pieces of guitar committed to record in the past 20 years. Our drummer played this track as he signed the marriage certificate at his wedding ceremony, and he purposefully left the outro playing, of course we were all head banging and the families were just like…what the heck are you doing, turn it off! It was such a great moment.
:D :D :D That's the perfect kind of thing to reminisce about when old and grey, well done!
mijmog wrote:Whats even more crazy is that some of the early stuff, notably Ta Det Lungt, was recorded in Gustav’s living room, with all the guitars going through a POD into a Korg digital workstation. Just shows you don’t need all the gear…
^^^!!! I could hardly believe this when I first read it. It's proved a handy token of wisdom I like to remind myself when tempted to blame mics or interfaces for not being able to get the sound I have in my head.

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Re: The Nordic psych/folk/forest rune tape echo band thread

Post by shadowplay » Thu May 19, 2016 10:49 pm

nanamour wrote:Well done! So many favorites of mine in that list and a couple that are new to me. I hereby crown you Progg psych prince of this thread! .
Firstly, thanks to nanarmor for starting the best looking music thread in an age. Meticulous, perfectly linked and delightfully written stuff from all concerned.

I have to second Joe as the the prog Wolf King of the sub Arctic!

I feared this might happen and leave me struggling for some unmentioned pristine wilderness. Some incredible choices and particularly great to see Algarnas Tradgard and Jan Johansson on that list.

I'll light a beacon for Archimedes Badkar who were a sort of Swedish jazzprog ethnic fusion group, kinda like a pine scented Gong with a Volvo filled with balalaikas. Its charming and mildly intimidating in equal measure, a bit like a Swedish 60's wicker riot shield.

I'll really need to put my thinking cap on since any suggestions I might have are already boxed off, I probably need to cheat and thumb some records, since Joe's mighty list cover everything so well. I'll hopefully be back with some more folky suggestions, once I filter the great suggests everyone has made.

In the meantime I'm gonna drop something modern, it's slighty post fiery forest noodling but for me it's still part of the tradition.

It's Kuupuu, who is Finnish and I highly recommend her and her Sisar album in particular.

Kuupuu - Taivut (Swayway)

Anyway, quality thread, thanks.

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Re: The Nordic psych/folk/forest rune tape echo band thread

Post by mynameisjonas » Thu May 19, 2016 11:42 pm

nanamour wrote:
Hansson och Karlsson - Triplets: Normally I'd tell you I would rather have shattered glass sandblasted into my ears than endure extended Hammond organ explorations, but Bo Hansson's meandering Progg organ interplaying with Janne Carlsson's jazz school drumming is mesmerizing. Some great live footage:" onclick=";return false;
Janne "Loffe" Carlsson was also the drummer on Pugh Rogefeldt's first two albums (which also featured the genius Jojje Wadenius on guitar). The funny thing about "Loffe" is that most swedes don't even know he used to be a musician. He's known to most as a comedian, actor and TV host, and the public image of him is that silly little man who made puns and dirty jokes on TV in the 80s. But man, what a drummer he was/is :-*

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Re: The Nordic psych/folk/forest rune tape echo band thread

Post by nanamour » Fri May 20, 2016 6:04 pm

mynameisjonas wrote:Janne "Loffe" Carlsson was also the drummer on Pugh Rogefeldt's first two albums (which also featured the genius Jojje Wadenius on guitar). The funny thing about "Loffe" is that most swedes don't even know he used to be a musician. He's known to most as a comedian, actor and TV host, and the public image of him is that silly little man who made puns and dirty jokes on TV in the 80s. But man, what a drummer he was/is
HA, a man of many talents! I'm sure a lot of Loffe's jokes would get lost in translation, but you're right about that, it transcends language/place/time. It's what keeps me listening to those Hansson & Karlsson records in spite of my organ-hate, such expertise. I wonder if the "Karlsson" in H&K was a cheeky intentional misspell or a typo at the record printers'...?

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Re: The Nordic psych/folk/forest rune tape echo band thread

Post by shadowplay » Sun May 22, 2016 5:15 am

I wonder if anyone likes Rävjunk. As is often the case with records like this I can't take any particular credit for pulling it out the bargain bin at a record fair, I just saw a fox on the cover and thought it was work saving for 50p. I just learned that the bands name means Foxes Piss...who knew?

Snöspår (Del 1,2 och 3) by Rävjunk Kinda like a cross between, motorik Kosmische (in some ways they are a halfway house between the Stooges and Neu), Hawkwind and sludgy rawk.

Another one that springs to mind is Parsons Sound who were a predecessor of International Harvester. Clodhopping, acid lurch. Pärson Sound - Skrubba many years later, they named an Ikea washing up brush after this track.

Bringing things right up to date and possibly (depending on whether this is a retrospective thread or not) skirting close to the off topic borderlands is a wee split 12' I just got between the Swedish band Josefin Öhrn & The Liberation and the Russian band Gnoomes (whose album I liked).

Each group present originals then remix the other, there's only one full track up online.

Josefin Öhrn & The Liberation - Take Me Beyond (Gnoomes remix)

Josefin Öhrn & The Liberation - Take Me Beyond this isn't on the 12', it's on her album and it's slick motorik pop with just the right degree of swirl.

edit, the whole thing is up on the Rocket bandcamp.

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Re: The Nordic psych/folk/forest rune tape echo band thread

Post by nanamour » Sun May 22, 2016 8:05 am

shadowplay wrote:Bringing things right up to date and possibly (depending on whether this is a retrospective thread or not) skirting close to the off topic borderlands
Not limited to retrospection at all; anything (even loosely) in the tradition--past or present--deserves a happy home on this thread's Norse ark.

That progression from Pärson Sound to International Harvester to Träd, Gräs & Stenar is totally the Holy Trinity of droney noodle Progg. Pärson Sound is one of those occasions where music gives me the willies, a song like Tio Minuter's delirious dissonance and feverish garbled vocals leave me with tio minuter of genuine unease (this is a plus in my book!). Top of the stack pick for your kommune's next Halloween acid fest. Listening now, that Archimedes Badkar album you suggested earlier hits some of those buttons--good pick.

Turning our Nord psych folk workbooks to the Finnish chapter:

Kuupuu was already mentioned, I'll add Islaja's elegantly simple pitch-shifting toy instrument dirges. I don't think it's too great a stretch to say this is sort of a spiritual progression of some of the bands listed above.

Islaja - Ihmispuku
Islaja - Pimeyttä kohti
Her more recent (2013) album S U U is quite a bit more electronic and sung (more like spoken) in EnglishIslaja - Siren Call

Part of the same broad scene in Finland as Kuupuu and Islaja, Lau Nau makes frosty, almost impossibly beautiful lace-delicate folk :-*

Lau Nau - Koti
Lau Nau - Valolle
Lau Nau - Ystäväni Nosferatu

The three footpaths of Finnish forest folkpsych Kuupuu, Islaja, and Lau Nau meet in a clearing and form a supergroup of sorts called Hertta Lussu Ässä featuring song titles like 'Electric Spaniel-Wild Nights' and 'Cocktail of Life Fluids'

Hertta Lussu Ässä - Yön Tullen Sähköinen Spanieli Sekoaa

Btw the Josefin Öhrn & The Liberation/Gnoomes split posted was great, I especially liked the Gnoomes remix of Take me beyond

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Re: The Nordic psych/folk/forest rune tape echo band thread

Post by mijmog » Mon May 23, 2016 12:44 am

Wow, so much amazing music Nanamour, I feel a kinship across the interwebmegahighway. I can't possibly reply to all your points but just wanted to say I wholeheartedly agree. Thanks for the Kvartetten som Sprängde heads up, wow, its like End of the Game Peter Green transmogrified through an exact Bo Hansson/Kebnakaise cross. Superb.

David, I realised I may have had some similar choices, hope you don't mind the Algarnas Tradgard inclusion, I know you're a big fan too. I'm really, really digging Archimedes Badkar though, a new one to me!

One notable exception from my list was this Tor Peders track, who have disbanded due to tragic circumstances, some incredible guitar playing on this record from the late Jonas Redmo:

The whole record is just superb.


A mention to Me and My Kites too, great summery ISB flavoured psych. Contributions from Reine and Tias from Dungen too. They've also helped resurrect Tony Durant's Fuschia, had the pleasure of witnessing this on balmy summer's day in London last year. David from the band has some great early formative year Dungen stories, of wild club gigs where they would get booed off by the Friday night crowds, and late night stellar jams in Stockholm. ... 238624427/


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Re: The Nordic psych/folk/forest rune tape echo band thread

Post by shadowplay » Mon May 23, 2016 3:14 am

mijmog wrote: David, I realised I may have had some similar choices, hope you don't mind the Algarnas Tradgard inclusion, I know you're a big fan too. I'm really, really digging Archimedes Badkar though, a new one to me!
Honestly, I'm in the opposite hemisphere to minding, it's been a pleasure to read through both yours, Jonas' and nanamour's posts, as far as I'm concerned this sets the gold standard for music threads. I'm feeling the fraternity myself! OK I do complain a bit about all the 'Remember these dudes' threads and how they are all '+1 Bro' but when I see this thread it's like an lush oasis. Seriously, nice one folks.

I like Me and My Kites (though I did previously describe them in an OSG thread as 'needing a haircut' :D ) and I'm tuned to everything Lisa Isaksson get's up. I like the Luup album which flits between folk and ambient chamber pop and her solo stuff as Lisa O Piu, as well as her work with Promise and The Monster, who I'm very fond of. I've posted this too many times on OSG but it's an amazing cover of a song, that probably shouldn't be covered. The harmonies are spine-tingling; Promise & The Monster - Fine Horseman (Lal Waterson Cover) | Sofar Stockholm. She closed her last album with another version with a different arrangement altogether.
nanamour wrote:
The three footpaths of Finnish forest folkpsych Kuupuu, Islaja, and Lau Nau meet in a clearing and form a supergroup of sorts called Hertta Lussu Ässä featuring song titles like 'Electric Spaniel-Wild Nights' and 'Cocktail of Life Fluids'
I'm a big Lau Nau fan, it's great to see someone else on here into her. I think in general across all the Nordic/Scandinavian countries there's been some amazing music released recently. A lot of the groups; ranging across everything from folk, to electronic, to post punk, to cosmic disco, to glittery pop, seem to sit outside all lot of the more annoying current fads and are mercifully mostly free of bellowing vocalists.

Hertta Lussu Ässä are new to me thanks, I've ordered their album to check out.

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Re: The Nordic psych/folk/forest rune tape echo band thread

Post by mijmog » Mon May 23, 2016 4:36 am

nanamour wrote:Speaking of Dungen live, I had the immense fortune a few months ago of getting to see the band play their score to the early silent animated film The Adventures of Prince Achmed
I forgot to mention this too Nanamour, I heard them do a track from it recently myself, it was so heavy! I'm so excited to hear the whole thing. Reine broke a string halfway through and his frustration threatened nuclear levels, but the band settled into a tight organ/bass/drums groove only to see him come windmilling back in with a colossal chordal mushroom cloud, it took the roof right off, everyone cheered!

I went to see them in Malmo recently at a beautiful sit down theatre, a memorable night, the whole gig was being recorded by Allas Sak producer Mattias Glavå, so expect a live album soon I hope. He put his foot down and made Reine use a Selmer Treble and Bass 50, as his newly purchased Marshall Super Bass was just too loud! I'd love to hear that in action though.

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Re: The Nordic psych/folk/forest rune tape echo band thread

Post by PorkyPrimeCut » Mon May 23, 2016 5:17 am

I'm yet to click one link in this thread & have noticed it spiralling out of my control. Really interested to hear what's inside.

I'm guessing it's not quite the same vibe but I'm a big fan of Tales Of Murder & Dust. I've mentioned them several times before so sorry for posting parrot-fashion.

They have a new album out.
You think you can't, you wish you could, I know you can, I wish you would. Slip inside this house as you pass by.

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