another Jazz Bass question.. this time it's all about the action!

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Re: another Jazz Bass question.. this time it's all about the action!

Post by mynameisjonas » Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:25 am

daydreamdelay wrote: i think that's what just happened.. how do you tell for sure if a neck is slightly off?

I swear I remember hearing something about pressing down at a certain fret high on the board?
i usually just press down at the first and the last fret, and if the string height at the highest point (somewhere around the 7th fret or so) is about 2mm, i´m going to be happy. others may have more correct ways of telling, but this has always worked for me.
oh, but this is for guitars, i haven´t exactly found a sweet spot for bass yet, since i´ve never had to adjust my bass´ neck. but a good way of knowing the neck is too straight is if it buzzes on the first two or three frets even though the action is set high.

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Re: another Jazz Bass question.. this time it's all about the action!

Post by daydreamdelay » Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:45 am

thanks jonas  :)

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