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How to post a pic?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:45 pm
by Dembec
I just realized I don't know how to post a pic.
Anyone wanna help?

Re: How to post a pic?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:53 pm
by soggy mittens
in the reply box click on the button icon "img", that will insert some tags, between those two tags you want to paste a link.

what is this link you say?

you are going to need to go to an image hosting site and upload your image to get the image url.

you can use a few different image hosts, you can try, or this one

IF you are concerned about retaining control over your images then you could opt to start an account say with imgur, then you can delete the image in the future if you ever feel the need. TRy to avoid hosts like photobucket as they don't always give you a direct url to the image, without going into your account. If you are a newbie to image hosting it could be a headache. I say start with postimage, and just email the deletion link to yourself.

Then just post that url in between the aforementioned tags and boom! Make sure to include the http as well, the full url.

Also before you upload it is a good idea to resize your image, if you use basic mspaint to resize save as png as saving as jpg will compromise image quality. Or change your camera settings to make the image smaller from the get go. are much better these days at handling larger images and auto resizing but it is still a good idea as it keeps the file size smaller. The standard for forums is 640px wide, but you can take it up to 900px comfortably even 1200px if you want to retain detail, people can break the image out of the page to view it at that full size if need be. Most cameras as you may know spit them out at around 3000-5000px, which is massive. Just something to consider.