About Zhivago's Vintage Hotties...

Droolworthy shots of killer vintage gear presented by forum member Zhivago
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About Zhivago's Vintage Hotties...

Post by zhivago » Mon Feb 02, 2009 12:36 am

Hey everyone and welcome to this new section of the site :)

It will feature pictures of well-known and not-so-well known vintage gear for months and months to come (god knows I have enough gear porn for a whole nation in a state of emergency!).  8)

The aim of this forum is to open us up to more than just offsets, so I will be featuring a huge selection of vintage Archtops, Acoustics, Amplifiers, Effects ranging from D' Angelicos to Mail-Order Kays and everything in between!

All the pics for now are coming from my archives...I have had a few people emailing in some great shots as well...

I'd like to thank them all for that, and the particular pics will most likely be posted sometime in the future editions of the Hotties (but please don't you all start sending me pics suddenly as it's overwhelming already! ;D )


sit back, relax and enjoy some of the coolest, weirdest, rarest and not-so-rare vintage gear...most is pre-1969...but there are a few exceptions for some gear from the 70s

thanks for tuning in

Resident Spartan.
