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PAT. # 2.972.923
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Post by letterstoboddah » Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:21 am

hello! my name is andy from the north of the uk near manchester. thank you for letting me in to post on this great forum. i am already learning so much! i have a jagstang in blue and a revelation rjt in burst. looking to maybe change thqt one for a squire jazzmaster or jaguar so i can have the trem

i dont have much fancy equipment and have a older line 6 floor multifx instead of an amp at the moment but i hope to buy a proper tube amp soon. it sounds good to me anyway so for now i am happy

pleased to meet you all

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PAT. # 2.972.923
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Re: hello

Post by MattK » Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:40 am

Hey Andy, great to have you here. You’ll get a ton of advice and input about your buying decisions … I gotta say it’s a great time to be building a collection, there is a lot of good stuff for not much money these days. Altho the used market for anything other than Squier is silly.
Gotta say I laughed aloud when I saw your username, pretty droll. The forum used to be very uptight about people brought into the fold by KC but not any more. Geez I sound a hundred years old. Welcome.

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PAT. # 2.972.923
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Re: hello

Post by letterstoboddah » Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:10 am

thank you mattk for the welcome. i am a big kurt fan some might say too much but i am not ashamed because to me they defined my idea of grunge even if i am to young to remember it hahaa the 90s had all the best songs

i am going to spend all of my night reading the threads here and learn as much as i can because there is so much here it makes my head spin!

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PAT. # 2.972.923
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Re: hello

Post by MattK » Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:14 am

For sure most of the other members love/like/respect Cobain too, there was just a period where people would join and ask how do I get Kurt’s exact tone/rig/look for the hundredth time and then vanish.
Feel free to just ask things you’re curious about, plenty of boring members like myself enjoy crapping on about our niche interests.

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PAT. # 2.972.923
PAT. # 2.972.923
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Re: hello

Post by letterstoboddah » Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:22 am

okay I will try not to ask many questions about kc tone then hahahaha i have a boss ds1 but i think i killed it using wrong power supply whoops now it is a ornament but i found a setting in my line6 that sounds the same so it is okay

thank you

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