NPD: Horse Nascar Delay (+ "Spares Board" content)

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NPD: Horse Nascar Delay (+ "Spares Board" content)

Post by MrShake » Wed Jun 07, 2023 6:58 am

Got this a week or two ago, just hadn't had time to mess around much...


It's pretty good! Real analog delay, feeds back on itself, etc. But I've realized I'm a digital delay player, I like the crisp snapback. So, I'm not exactly an analog delay connoisseur, but it does the thing. Drawback is that it feels a little... subtle? Again, that could be a good thing depending on your taste, and it very much suits my "slapback or Ambient Pillow" needs.

But it was $24 shipped. Metal casing, built well enough, smaller than the Joyo version, true bypass, and a little steel wool will take that "Na" right off and I can play the "Scar Delay".

So, then I found myself rounding up all my "loose" pedals. Things that aren't installed on a specific board for a specific purpose. The floaters. Some used to be on now-demolished boards, some are "couldn't resist the budget price", some were cheapo backups, etc. The early-model DD-3 is sort of the exception that proves the rule.


It's as much about storage as usage, but wiring this thing up will be a BEAST. The first one is a Fuzz Face, which I can't seem to find another place for in my style, so maybe drenched in a reverb/delay board is a good spot for spooky noodling.

The volume->DD-3->Tap Delay segment will be its own removable sub-board.

And I just don't like the Bluesy Overdrive down front. Bought it for the comedy of the blatant copyright infringement, but it's not my bag.

But other than a Loop Station, a Behringer SansAmp-alike, and some homemade fuzzes (they don't count! They can be free!), I think this tidies up the rest of the strays.

Anybody else do this just to keep things tidy?

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