Eventide H9 users?

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Re: Eventide H9 users?

Post by cestlamort » Mon Jan 03, 2022 12:28 pm

CorporateDisguise wrote:
Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:06 am
It seems to me that eventide is at its best when they aren’t trying to emulate existing sounds or pedals and are creating their own unique sounds.
a bit of a thread resurrection here, as I've really gotten into some of the eventide-specific effects recently (such as Ultratap). It's probably an Internet forum cliche by now, but the pedal is great if you take it on its own terms, rather than trying to emulate old analog modulation or delay pedals.

Basically, does it sound like a MXR Flanger? No, not any more than a Line 6 Variax sounds like an electric 12 string (well, maybe a little more). But it shines when you approach it as a new effect, rather than as an emulator/modeler.

And to clarify my earlier post, if you have one MAX pedal, up to four additional CORE/STANDARD pedals on your account will have the same functionally. (But they then revert to CORE/STANDARD if you take them off your account). So, a bit of a steep price of entry with a MAX, but subsequent pedals will be (relative) bargains if you do some mental cost averaging.

Eventide has now put some of the popular algorithms in stand-alone pedals and, maybe ironically, their tutorials on the stand-alone ("dot9") pedals helped me to better understand the H9, or at least use it better.

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Re: Eventide H9 users?

Post by marqueemoon » Mon Jan 03, 2022 7:12 pm

I’ve pretty much given up on this idea.

I picked up a J. Rockett Tranquilizer for modulation duty and I absolutely love it.

Between that, the RV-6, and amp tremolo all important non-dirt sounds are covered.

It would be fun to be able to mess around with some more fanciful sounds, but not essential, and could just end up being a distraction.

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Re: Eventide H9 users?

Post by cestlamort » Mon Jan 03, 2022 10:56 pm

Wise choice. It’s a fussy albeit rewarding pedal

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Re: Eventide H9 users?

Post by RocknRollShakeUp » Tue Jan 04, 2022 9:02 am

I run two, in stereo, in a stereo effects loop, and I really dig them. There are algorithms that have stacked effects but I do like having two units, a max and a core, and I could run the algorithms from my phone or iPad to either unit.

I mostly run the core in the oil can reverb setting, and the Max mostly for delay algorithms, but if you get the max there are lots of reverb, delay, etc. stacked algorithms and I can make do with one Max pretty easily. Or you can run a Max into a good reverb pedal if you want more flexibility.

What I like about them most is the tone, really lush if I want it and I can dial in very retro lo-fi or hi-fi type sounds.
They just seem to make my whole signal just gel too, hard to explain.

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