Advice needed on possibly letting go of a rare Gibson of mine...

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Advice needed on possibly letting go of a rare Gibson of mine...

Post by bogginhead » Mon Jul 24, 2023 4:26 am

Well, I own a rare 2002 Gibson Les Paul DC Special Junior Lite I've had for the last 3 years or so now, that I do love quite a bit. Done some upgrades to the wiring, pots, caps, and pickups, and along with its slip-taper neck w / small trapezoid inlays I think it's a pretty cool and great sounding guitar imho. But I kinda got into offsets after being a "Gibson-guy but Fender Jag / JM / Mustang lurker-type" for many years, and eventually got an MIM Toro Deluxe that I really wish I still had, honestly. Not long after selling that, I got the CIJ Jag I had really been after when I ended up with the Toronado which is honestly the best Fender I've ever owned or played by far and I've owned a few over the years. I'm looking at this point to sell or trade my DC Special Junior Lite to fund a Jazzmaster if I somehow can. But the issue really is that I'm now partial to Fender Japan's output, and can't really afford any MIJ or CIJ at the moment that have the specs I'm looking for (which would be all-vintage specs and hopefully a slimmer neck if possible). The USA options are even worse $-wise, so they're kinda out of the picture. I'd be all over a Fender Japan Heritage Jazzmaster if I could; it's just about perfect, honestly. Or a 90s MIJ JM; both would be just about right, I think.

I wanted to ask you guys what you think some other options for me might be if I may? I've been looking into maybe having MJT do a custom Jazzmaster for me, but I'm a little hesitant to sell my DC until I'm confident I'll be satisfied with what I receive in the end and all. Anyone have any experience with them they might be willing to share, or any other advice on this by chance? Any help is appreciated, for sure. Thanks!

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Re: Advice needed on possibly letting go of a rare Gibson of mine...

Post by Unicorn Warrior » Mon Jul 24, 2023 5:54 am

I can’t speak from experience regarding an MJT build. I have used MJT for refinishing work. I’m satisfied with what they did. It wasn’t perfect, but they achieved what I wanted. With that said, I would not go for a MJT build. I’m not sure of the value of your Gibson, but an MJT guitar will likely have little resale value.

If you’re going to get rid of a guitar you like, I honestly would try to save up a little more and go for a used AV II Jazzmaster. I received several offers just from clicking the watch button on reverb for and saw many online for around $1800 which isn’t far off from the Japanese ones you spoke of. The AV II is the best value for your money on a vintage spec JM right now. Also, I’d make sure you’re really wanting to make the change. If you want to get a brand new one, always always make lower offers. They will come off several hundred. 10-20% of MAP as a general rule.

EDIT: I just looked up the value of your instrument on reverb and it appears the minimum you would get is around $1300. With you being so close to AV II territory, I’d highly recommend you save some Pennie’s and when you’re ready sell off the LP if you’re committed to making that move. You’re just on the edge of being in the ballpark to make an offer on a used one.

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Re: Advice needed on possibly letting go of a rare Gibson of mine...

Post by JVG » Sat Jul 29, 2023 12:14 am

I no longer use or recommend MJT. Their quality has simply become too patchy for my liking - i found this through experience, plus the anecdotes of others on this site. You might get something decent, but it’s a lottery.

If you don’t go down the Fender path, how about a Warmoth build (they aren’t vintage-correct but are very good quality). Also there is Guitar Mill, Musikraft, Tonebomb, and plenty of other alternatives to MJT.

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Re: Advice needed on possibly letting go of a rare Gibson of mine...

Post by jakeisjake » Sun Jul 30, 2023 2:38 am

I had an MJT built in April 2020. I had some issues with time...but, of course, the same is true for every guitar I've had built. On top of that, it was right as things started to loosen up after Covid, so the supply chain was messed up.

The finish is quite dings with a hard stare. Much softer than the finish on the Thin Skin Jaguar I had. I got the closet classic, so it had no dings/checking when I got it, but is totally full of them, now.

Nonetheless, it really is a great guitar that I play a lot in a great color (Sherwood Green). It plays great and sounds good. I think a lot of the QC issues that were mentioned in the other post were just starting to happen when I, they only mildly affected me.

Keep looking around here...there are quite a few small builders who are gain good reputations for their work.
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Re: Advice needed on possibly letting go of a rare Gibson of mine...

Post by andy_tchp » Sun Jul 30, 2023 3:23 am

Just save up longer and buy the CIJ/MIJ guitar you actually want.

MJT finishes are... an 'acquired' taste and the resultant parts guitar won't even be worth half what you end up spending.
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