Help/Opinions on a 64 Jaguar restoration

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Help/Opinions on a 64 Jaguar restoration

Post by Nayff » Fri Sep 10, 2021 2:44 pm

Hello! I am a lucky new owner of a 64' jaguar but it needs some work and just wanted to get some of your alls opinions and help

1st: it has a non-original, non-fender bridge on it right now and I would love to get one that is the right style and has a mute, maybe even a palm cover. Would any jaguar bridge fit the 64 body/neck dimensions or do I need to look for a certain type/model?

2nd: if any of you all are from the DMV/Maryland area I would love some recommendations for a shop that does good refinishes, as of now it's completely stripped and I think I might put a slighhtttlly aged Sherwood green on it.

That's really it for now but I'm excited to come back and put some pictures up here when I get a good chance to


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Re: Help/Opinions on a 64 Jaguar restoration

Post by Jaguar018 » Wed Sep 29, 2021 5:52 am

If you have the wherewithal to do a 'proper' restoration you could track down vintage parts, but any "AVRI" bridge will work, as in American Vintage Reissue. Getting mutes for those is a little harder, but I'm sure you could find one on Reverb or Ebay.

I live in the DMV area, and I also love the Sherwood green color... but I don't know of any local 'pro' painters that use nitrocellulose finishes. I have shipped my refinish jobs to: Lays Guitars, Rowyco Customs, MJT, and a few other places. Just about every paint shop has their fans and detractors. I don't really have much of a problem with poly finishes for some guitars, but I feel like with vintage restorations on guitars that originally had a nitro finish, I'd probably try to match that.

You have to be willing to spend the cash and be a patient person for guitar refinishes. Also, there are at least three, but more like five different versions of Sherwood out there. Do you like the 'dark' one, the 'forest green' one, or the 'faded' one? There are even different opinions on what the actual vintage correct color was when it first came out of the Fender factory-- though most of the founding OSG types that used to argue about that sort of thing don't come by here too often these days.

I suppose if I wanted to do a 'correct' vintage restoration I'd use Lays again, but their shade of green wasn't what I prefer and I didn't make enough of an effort to verify/correct stuff back then.

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Re: Help/Opinions on a 64 Jaguar restoration

Post by Surfysonic » Wed Sep 29, 2021 8:51 am

Hey fellow DVM'er and Marylanders, for pro-level refinish work, give Keirn Hilleary of Lucky Pick a call or email. He's done a few nitrocellulose refins for me over the years. Be sure to specify nitro instead of poly. He's been my guitar tech for over ten years and I think he does superior quality work on my setups, builds, mods (pickups, etc.) refinish projects, and most criitcally for when I damage or screw something up - repairs.

Please keep in mind that he is a one-man shop and he has other clients. Patience is necessary but he gives you a ballpark of the time a project will take. Tell him Steve Ogburn (me) recommended him.

His website is : His phone number is on the home webpage. He's located in Beallsville, MD in Montgomery County (north, near Poolsville). I believe he is closed on Mondays but he's usually quite accessible.

Here are some of my refinished gear he's done for me:

Squier J Mascis Signature Jazzmaster in Shell Pink & matching headstock



Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar in Fiesta Red & matching headstock



The OSG infamous '66 "Stripper-Stang" went from this:



to this Olympic White refin:




He was able to delicately remove all that nasty glitter to restore the original pickguard to its former glory:


One of my earliest projects for him was this Fender AVRI '57 Precision Bass. I normally would have left the original blonde wash finish alone but I was in a decal phase back then. I couldn't commit to a certain decal after some time and when I removed it, I discovered that there was some ultraviolet yellow staining left where the decal was. Nothing for it but to have a refin done and he refinished it in Daphne Blue.

Before (big decal above the bridge was the unfortunate sticker in question):



The doofus formerly known as Snorre...

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