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Hello to old friends and new!

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:09 am
by Marc
So last week I was thinking to myself:

"the EffDeePee ain't what it used to be - where is everyone?"

Apart from a few "My Bridge Rattles" and "Why do you guys like them wierdy geetahs?" and-someone-thinking-they-were-in-the-$tr@t-forum posts there was nothing but virtual tumbleweed.

So Mezcalhead spots me lost in the wilderness and PM's me and here I am! (Thanks Mez!)


Apologies for my lack of original user name but I've used my real name on the offset forum at the "other place" since 1999 when there was only 12 people on the whole of the internet. I suppose I'd be marc_201888b or something now  ::)

So.... got my first Jag aged 19 through a friend of a friend - £200 for a stripped 66 with case. Had it redone in sonic blue. Then sold it for '65 green guard candy red jag which I stupidly, stupidly traded several years later. I WANT IT Back!

Now I play a '64 JM and '66 XII.

Musically of note I demoed with Beth Gibbon of Portishead in the late 1980's - it was just me and her... we sounded very odd indeed and parted our seperate ways. Beth went on next to a platinum selling debut album  :o and I went on to getting my kooky band "Sourpuss" on John Peel and Steve Lamacq a few times  :-[

I then got caught up in the whole dance/dj/sampler/producer thing for several years and put a few records out on the now no longer "Cup of Tea Records" in Bristol. Much fun was had.

Not up to much at the moment.... we are moving next spring - hopefully Leeds or Liverpool so I'm sure that I'll get involved in the music scene there once we are there. I cannot wait to start doing stuff again actually!

I'm self employed - I'm a web designer - I'm currently working on a few sites for Neil Taylor and Gary Nuttall who are long time guitarists for Robbie Williams no less.

So that's me! Nice to see you all again!


Re: Hello to old friends and new!

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:19 am
by mjet

I was chomping at the bit to invite you over but it's still a "beta" website so I figured it wasn't my place to do so (that's for the mods and administrator). Glad to see you here!


Re: Hello to old friends and new!

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:21 am
by Marc
hey Mjet! No worries mate good to see you!

Re: Hello to old friends and new!

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:53 am
by fullerplast
Hi Marc -

It's been awhile, huh?




Re: Hello to old friends and new!

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:52 am
by mezcalhead
Well, I know we're not open yet but I figured one more couldn't hurt .. and look, he's already a many times Contributing Member!

Re: Hello to old friends and new!

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:06 pm
by sookwinder
Marc,  we only expeect one thing here  .... enjoy your time ... as I am sure you will.  Our band of merry men (and women ???? ok who forgot to invite the women ?)  will, if nothing more , entertain .... :)

Re: Hello to old friends and new!

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:04 am
by zhivago
fantastic to have you here, Marc!!