Super Duper 2 in 1 Question

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Super Duper 2 in 1 Question

Post by Marc » Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:30 am

Hello to any Super Duper users out there. I'm intrigued by this pedal but I'm worried how hard it will be on my amp. What damage can it potentially cause (other than me going deaf)?
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Re: Super Duper 2 in 1 Question

Post by mezcalhead » Fri Oct 20, 2006 2:20 am

I always start my FF and SD2in1 with the output vol right down 'cos they do get very very loud. The SD is particularly useful for tormenting other pedals.

I would think it would be hard to damage a tube amp with any pedal .. the preamp stage will clip, which is what they're (sorta) designed to do .. however Vex does say on his site that you can cause amp damage, so be careful I guess .. I don't know what would go first, I guess it depends on the specific amp design.

I think the worst case scenario would be forcing the front-end of an old amp with a high output pedal, into an attenuator. I do this all the time though and I haven't burnt the house down yet. My guess is that you'd be pretty safe if you didn't take things to extremes .. mind you, apparently the SD has something like 36 times unity gain so if any pedal can let the magic smoke out then the SD would be the one to do it.

Sorry I can't be more specific. It's trying to answer questions like these make me realize what a hack I am ("duh, I guess it's OK .. right?").
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Re: Super Duper 2 in 1 Question

Post by zhivago » Fri Oct 20, 2006 4:18 am

I've used the super duper in order to overdrive a 100 watt marshall stack with a was a shoegaze project we had last year, you see :)

it got REALLY loud....especialy as I had both channels maxed, and the master was at 3 o' clock....but after a certain point, all the amp did was, as Jon said, clip.

from the clipping point onwards there was more and more saturation....not particularly usable, to be honest.

I think you're more in danger of ruining the amp with repeating the process, than a one-off time of rocking out.

the best way IMO to use the duper is to not kill the amp with it, but work alongside the amp...know the point were it clips, set the first channel of the duper to just give it edge, then click both switches to go to the other channel (while switching the first off at the same time) and basicaly, give a lot more hair to the sound + some more boost to the point the amp clips nicely....that could be the lead/solo sound

hitting the 1st channel onto the second at that point will obviously give no more volume, but it'll give sustain...I use that sound for holding notes/getting feedback.

I love the super duper...I just love it.
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