i wanna replace the Laney

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PAT. # 2.972.923
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i wanna replace the Laney

Post by sunfolk » Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:40 am

yeah, i got this old 70's non-master Laney Supergroup halfstack.. its all good, but the sounds just get a bit too creamy, if you know what i mean..

so im thinking of selling it or trading it to a Fender Deluxe Reverb or something like that. i think the DR's sound awesome when cranked, plus you get that nice Fender-clean and spring-reverb!!!!! my only concern is that i think my CIJ Jazzmaster sounds waaay to trebly through most Fender amps. Sounds good through the Laney, because the Laney has loads of bottom-end, but hey, the Laney ain't what im lookin' for..

So i'd like to get a few suggetions of what amps i could be looking at instead of the DR?

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PAT. # 2.972.923
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Re: i wanna replace the Laney

Post by sunfolk » Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:25 am

well, yeah, the pickups in the Jazzmaster are stock.. im also considering replacing those, but thats another story..

i bought the Laney less than a year ago and had it fine-tuned about half a year ago, cause it kept blowing the valves.. and it seemed like a pretty decent amp at the time (still is), but im just on the lookout for something else.. i wouldn't say its muddy or extremely dark, but well.. its basicly a 100 watt Marshall-clone ala plexi and the marshall-sound just doesn't cut it for me anymore.. it gets a bit too "classic rock"!

and yes, i know its very difficult for everyone else to tell me what to go for (im not even sure what im looking for, but who is?), but its just to get a basic idea of what might be interesting to me.. or whatever ;D

and yeah, i should be checking out more tweed amps! well.. amps in general!

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